I really appreciate […] you for great tremendous efforts for preparing the brochure of IUMRS and a proposal to UNESCO.
Professor Soo Wohn LEE, Sun Moon University,Korea

(1) Thanks again for carefully checking the contents of the web pages.
(2) Thanks for your tremendous effort and for doing a great job!
(3) The Executive Council thanks you for a great job you have done so far in pushing this agenda. Your personal effort in publicizing the survey among various organizations and collecting the survey results is very much appreciated.
Professor Yuan Ping FENG, National University of Singapore, Singapore

(1) Thank you very much for your great efforts to finish “IUMRS Survey on the Evolution of Scientific Publishing – Report and Analysis.”
(2) Thanks for all the great effort you gave to IUMRS and all the contributions you made for the advancement of IUMRS.
Professor Yafang HAN, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, China

I read the mockup to the VI WMS [report] and think that your work is excellent.
Professor Jose Manuel Martínez-Duart, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

In the first instance– this is a great job. I really found the layout and the choice of photos to work really well.
Dr. Martin Hynes, President, European Science Foundation, France

The President has recently signed the MOU you prepared by putting in [a] lot of knowledge, experience and effort. I assure you that we will follow everything to your satisfaction.
Professor BVR Chowdari, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

You have worked tirelessly over the years in many different capacities. I have appreciated your work, assistance and wise counsel on all matters related to governance [including] set up [of] a process for a new and vibrant website.
Emeritus Professor James S. Williams, Australian National University, Australia

You are full of imagination. You have much more experience than me in this matter. I fully trust you.
Dr. Paul Siffert, CNRS (Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique) and General Secretary E-MRS, Strasbourg, France

Excellent! Great job! [regarding revision of statutes and bylaws].
Dr. John E. E. Baglin, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA

Thanks! Perfect timing. You did a great job. Thank you so much for your work on this, it’s a huge task.
Dr. Vivian Sullivan, LDRD Manager, Argonne National Laboratory, USA