(1999) The original updateable loose-leaf version that came with a CDROM to facilitate searching for the best measurement method for the materials issue in question. [ISBN: 0-471-18531-0] |
(2003) Transferred out of the John Wiley & Sons Current Protocols Division, the Content was augmented and reformatted into a retitled two-volume hard-bound edition. (Whereas former the updateable loose-leaf format was favored by disciplines such as biology, the materials science community did not accept it so readily.) [ISBN: 0-471-26882-8] |
(2012) A thoroughly updated and expanded new three-volume (2nd) edition, this work features a logical, detailed, and self-contained coverage of the latest materials characterization techniques, reflecting the enormous progress in the field since the last edition. Click on the image to open a window to the John Wiley & Sons page that describes the current edition in detail. [ISBN: 978-1-118-11074-4] |